English Second Language Speakers and New Americans

Free Legal Answers: Ask a volunteer attorney a specific question about your immigration/veteran's law issue

The New York State Office for New Americans: (ONA) Assistance with employment, legal counsel, and more. Their hotline offers confidential, anonymous support in over 200 languages.
Hotline: 1-800-566-7636

Citizenship Exam Prep at the White Plains Library, 100 Martine Ave. Call 914-937-3829 or 914-637-1936

Beginners ESL presented by Westchester Community College at the White Plains Library, 100 Martine Ave, Call S. Rothman at 914-422-1489

English Conversation Group: Open to learners age 18 and older, group lead by volunteer native English speaker. Refreshments provided. Contact S. Rothman at 914-422-1489

Empire Justice Center: Free legal services for immigrant crime victims living or working in the Lower Hudson Valley. Attorneys provide free representation in immigration law cases, and in civil cases. We speak Spanish and Portuguese.
Phone: 914-595-0910